
Op-Ed | With an older, poorer city, preserving access to healthy food is critical

Latin senior couple cooking dinner at home in Mexico Latin America, hispanic elderly people preparing food
Photo by Lloyd Mitchell

The cost-of-living crisis and poverty has skyrocketed and an uncertain economic landscape is poised to further squeeze wallets and drive up the cost of food for millions of New Yorkers.

Older people are particularly vulnerable, with the number of older New Yorkers living below the poverty line surging over the past decade. Nearly 1 in 4 seniors in the Bronx live below the poverty rate, according to a new report, the state’s highest. The number in Brooklyn and Yonkers is 20%, with Manhattan and Queens following close behind.

Older New Yorkers are suffering financially at a time when they’ve become New York City’s fastest-growing population, accounting for 16.2 percent of the population.

Sadly, we know that when faced with a choice between groceries, gas and rent, people tend to cut back on making healthy dietary decisions, with over half of New Yorkers surveyed in a recent polladmitting that higher food costs have led to a deterioration in their physical health.

We also know that high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease are more prevalent among income-challenged seniors. 

In short: New Yorkers are growing older and poorer at a time when the safety net is being yanked out — leading to even more healthcare challenges. 

We should not be passive observers to these trends. March is National Nutrition Month, a time to reflect on how access to healthy food shapes the well-being of our communities and highlight areas where we can improve. 

At a time when so much is on the line, city and state policymakers and officials must shore up nutrition programs that have real impacts in helping older and Medicaid-eligible New Yorkers make healthier choices.

For many, the issue isn’t just cost — it’s availability. Food deserts, where grocery stores are scarce, leave residents with little choice but to rely on corner stores. Belmont/East Tremont in the Bronx, for example, has just one supermarket for every 37 bodegas.

Bodegas have the potential to improve health outcomes across the city, but only if they stock fresh, nutritious options.

Recognizing the role that these neighborhood fixtures play, programs like Shop Healthy NYC are designed to bolster access to healthier foods in underserved areas. The effort has resulted in partnerships between bodegas and food suppliers and community organizations to stock produce, low-sodium options, and healthier snacks — particularly in neighborhoods with high rates of obesity, diabetes and hypertension, all of which are chronic among the populations we serve.

Nearly 2,000 stores have participated, proving that small shifts can significantly impact community health.

As a clinical education diabetic nurse specialist at ElderServe Health dba RiverSpring Health Plans – a Bronx-based Managed Long Term Care provider serving the New York City metro area – we rely on these programs to prevent our members from being hospitalized and allowing them to continue living independently in their own homes.

These programs, when coupled with educational efforts, can be effective.

In one memorable case, we had long attempted to bring a member’s spiraling diabetes under control but had little success. When we learned that most of his dietary intake came from the bodega downstairs, we facilitated a meeting between the member, bodega staff and our coordinated care team to discuss a dietary plan. As a result, he was able to take control of his diabetes and avoid further hospitalizations.

This is just one example of how small, community-driven changes made possible by these programs can have an enormous impact.

However, without continued investment from City Hall and Albany to fund Shop Healthy NYC and other programs, many bodegas could lose the resources needed to keep healthier food on their shelves.

At the same time, it’s clear that one program cannot solve this issue—improving access to healthy food in New York requires a collaborative effort between healthcare providers, local businesses, and policymakers.

Ensuring that low-income New Yorkers and those on Medicaid have the resources to live healthier lives isn’t just about food, it’s about dignity, longevity, and well-being. This National Nutrition Month let’s invest in the health of our most vulnerable neighbors and build stronger, more resilient communities. 

Theresa Renart serves as a Clinical Education Diabetic Nurse Specialist at ElderServe Health dba RiverSpring Health Plans. She lives in Queens.