
K-Pop group B.D.U. forges their own path to success for debut US performance

B.D.U. made their US debut in Jersey City.
B.D.U. made their US debut in Jersey City.
Photo by Amanda Moses

BOYS DEFINE UNIVERSE (B.D.U.) showed fans what it means to be a survivor in the music industry for their first-ever show in the United States on Aug. 16. 

New Yorkers hopped across the Hudson River to White Eagle Hall in Jersey City where they cheered on South Korean singers B.D.U. for their debut performance Friday.  The K-Pop vocal all-stars displayed that there is no straightforward path to success, but rather the ability to keep fighting for what they love to forge their own route to their dreams.  

For the quartet—Bitsaeon, Seunghun, Jay Chang, and Kim Minseo—this was not their first time on stage or being a part of a boy band, yet it was their first time doing it together. After winning the South Korean television show Build Up: Vocal Boy Group Survivor competition, these vocalists displayed that they have what it takes to considered top tier. 

It was their perseverance that inspired Sherry Anderson, 20, to keep pursuing her dream to becoming a music producer. After traveling with her friends from Pennsylvania, Anderson says that B.D.U shows fans what it means to have drive, and to keep fighting for what you want no matter the obstacles. 

B.D.U.Photo by Amanda Moses

“I think it’s really motivational, especially for the people who actually want to go into the industry and seeing how people get rejected, but seeing how this group, they’re still fighting and they’re still going on survival shows, to keep getting out there, to keep putting themselves out there. It’s really motivational for the people who want to be part of this industry, to show that you just have to keep going, keep trying, then you’ll make it eventually,” Anderson said. 

“To me, BDU is a chance for another beginning. Their music really touches my soul. Especially their softer ballads. And just being able to get their chance to re-debut and do something again and reach more people is really nice,” Anderson added. 

Even singer Jay Chang, who was born and raised in New Jersey, shared with fans that he’s been through a long journey to get to where he is today. 

“I had a lot of mixed feelings coming into this one because I haven’t been back here in like two years. In that time there was Boy’s Planet, Build Up and other various things but I’m glad to see that nothing’s changed. You guys have made this experience so much better. I’ll remember this for a long time. Thank you,” Jay Chang said to the crowd. 

BitsaeonPhoto by Amanda Moses

While it was not their first rodeo—Jay Chang has performed with ONE PACT, Bitsaeon with M.O.N.T. and Seunghun just got finished touring with CIX—the group shared that their individual styles stand out and are even better when they unite.

“We each have our own color, which you guys have heard now, and then come together as four people it creates an even better color. Please look forward to seeing a lot of different sides,” Jay Chang said. 

Performing songs from their debut mini album, Wishpool, B.D.U. gave a powerful concert throwing their heads back as they hit each high note with precision. It was this level of sheer talent that saw fans screaming and jumping non-stop throughout the performance. The young men had a fiery hunger in their eyes, fueled by their supporter’s high energy. 

“I’m on tour for the first time in a while and as a BDU is our first tour so I had a lot of concerns. But because of all of your cheers, I think I was able to forget all of those worries and I was able to perform excitedly,” Bitsaeon, the team captain, said.

Jay Chang and Seunghun
Jay Chang and SeunghunPhoto by Amanda Moses

It was the first tour ever for Minseo, who shared that this show will be something he would always remember thanks to the fans support. 

“Your energy is so good, and this is my first tour and first stage. I love you guys. I want to come here again. Thank you so much. I will miss you guys,” Minseo said. 

“I’m so grateful that your energy was so good on our first tour in New Jersey. I think I was able to perform more excitedly because it was Jay’s hometown,” Seunghun also added. 

Kim Minseo
Kim MinseoPhoto by Amanda Moses

New Yorker Marisol Villatoro, 20, says that she will always cheer on Seunghun through all of his projects. As an avid fan since she was only 15 years old, Villatoro shared that during times of sadness, his voice is what spurs her to keeping pushing forward. 

“When I was depressed. His voice would be the only thing that would bring me out of that. I know that everything would be okay. Thinking of all his struggles getting to where he is today and he could get through it then maybe I can get through it too,” Villatoro said. “Seunghun means home to me and someone I can rely on and someone I look up to whenever I am having a hard time. He is just a ray of hope, a light at the end of the tunnel for me.” 

The next stop on B.D.U. Tour for Wishpool: Flash & Light in North America will be at the Opera House in Toronto, Canada on Aug. 20. 

SeunghunPhoto by Amanda Moses