A New York City comedy duo is bringing back a limited run of their musical comedy show “David and Katie Get Re-Married” just one month before they get married for real.
Written and performed by David Carl and Katie Hartman, the show follows a fictionalized version of Carl and Hartman, who have broken up and reunited more times than they can count. The “worst couple in the world” goes on to celebrate the second happiest day of their lives through a dark comedy show packed with original music.
The real Carl and Hartman are set to actually get married in October 2022 and originally performed this show in 2014 for the first time three months after they first met. The show ran at the Peoples Improv Theater in New York City in 2015, won “Best Original Music” at NYC Frigid Festival in 2019 and toured in Colorado Springs in January 2020. The show was originally slated to run again in Brooklyn but was canceled due to COVID-19.
“David and Katie Get Re-Married” will run from Sept. 9-24 on Friday and Saturday nights at 8 p.m. Each show will take place at ChaShaMa, located at 320 W 23rd Street in Chelsea. Tickets start at $25 for adults and $18 for those under 25 and are available at Eventbrite.com.
For more information about the show, visit www.davidandkatiegetremarried.com.