The store: Forbidden Planet
The location: 832 Broadway
The lowdown: Opened in 1981, Forbidden Planet stocks comics, graphic novels, toys and collectibles. Though the store’s location and stock has shifted over the years, you’ll still find a large selection and a wide fan base.
The website: fpnyc.com
” data-id=”112050114″ data-link=”https://amnewyork.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/23226_image.jpg” class=”wp-image-1.12050114″/>
Photo Credit: Linda Rosier -
The store: Fordham Comics
The location: 390 E. Fordham Rd., the Bronx
The lowdown: If Magic: The Gathering is your preferred way to get your geek on, this 30-year-old comic shop is the place to be. You can still find comics and collectibles, but card games are the specialty.
The website: facebook.com/Fordham-comics
” data-id=”112050137″ data-link=”https://amnewyork.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/20939_image.jpg” class=”wp-image-1.12050137″/>
Photo Credit: Uli Seit
New York City is the birthplace of the great modern comics — Superman, Batman, Captain America and more made their start in the last century, all with local ties.
According to comics industry analyst John Jackson Miller, June 2016 saw the best unit sales in nearly 20 years. His blog Chomichron.com tweeted from its official account on July 12 that, “adjusted for inflation, the modern-era #comicmarket peak was 1993, at $1.4 billion in 2015 dollars. Still have a ways to go to get to that.” Even so, the industry seems to be improving.
While the Golden Age of comics’ major antagonist Adolf Hitler isn’t driving the storytelling of comic books today, Marvel and DC Comics’ cinematic enterprises on the silver screen are driving a comic book consumption resurgence.
Check out these great NYC comic shops to find classics and new favorites.