With so many sides, servings and tempting treats, it can be tough to prevent over-indulging (and a few extra pounds) this Thanksgiving and holiday season. To help, registered dietitian Kristy Del Coro, the senior culinary nutritionist for Rouge Tomate, offers these tips to help keep in mind at your upcoming festivities:
1. Watch out for those holiday foods that pack a high-calorie punch: cheesecake, pecan pie, biscuits and casserole dishes with lots of added cream and butter.
2. Opt for more simply prepared items like roasted turkey, baked sweet potatoes, sautéed or braised greens, vegetable-based stuffing and lower calorie beverages such as spiced teas and no sugar-added apple cider.
3. If drinking alcohol, stick to wine, champagne or spirits with no added syrups or sweeteners.
4. Drink water or seltzer in between each alcoholic beverage to stay hydrated and stay mindful about your intake of empty calories.
5. Serve yourself small portions instead of heaping ones, and give yourself time to feel full before going for seconds.
6. Fill up your plate with vegetables and lean protein first, which will leave less room for the more decadent higher calorie dishes, so that you can still taste them but won’t overdo it. Using smaller plates can help!
7. For guests: offer to bring a dish you know will be delicious and healthy so you have a guaranteed healthy option.
8. Stay active, even if it is going for a brisk walk the morning of Thanksgiving or participating in a Turkey Trot. The extra activity will make you feel better and help you offset some of the extra calories you’ll be consuming later on.