Ever wake up in the night with an unquenchable thirst and a yearning for caviar you just can’t shake? Does the kitchen feel just a little too far and your personal assistant doesn’t arrive for another four long hours? Ben Baller has you covered.
This “jeweler to the stars” is dropping his golden mini-fridge tonight at 8 p.m. EST, and if your pandemic budget allows, you should act quick: his last limited edition item—1000 units of gold money counters—sold out in six seconds through exclusive product purveyors NTWRK.

What’s a money counter you ask? It’s a piece of machinery for people who literally have so much cash in bill form that they can’t even count it manually. You’ll have seen them in banks. But not in gold. Presumably—or hopefully—these units were sold to high-end businesses, because I’m not sure you can get insurance coverage for large wads of home-kept cash.
Approximately 770 units of the mini-fridge are available, and all you need to do is download the NTWRK app and click “purchase,” at warp speed.
Baller was quick to highlight the versatility of the fridge, not only does he have one in his “man cave,”and by his bed, but his wife also made the observation that it would be an ideal storing place for high-end make up and beauty products—as well as the aforementioned caviar and snacks.

Baller is a master jeweler and if you are in the market for bling that is genuinely incomparable, he’s not available until 2023. The list of clients who have worn his ice includes just about any celebrity you can think of: from The Weeknd to, Drake, Kanye, Snoop and even Michael Jackson in the last year of his life.
Baller is heavily involved in hip-hop and rap culture—he even sells golden digital scales, presumably for measuring out more weed than would fill a dime bag—and his jewelry is quintessential bling.
Baller is a first-generation Korean American who grew up in LA and whose family has been in the jewelry making business for over 35 years. He started his career as a DJ, produced tracks for legendary artists such as Dr. Dre and has had a hand in over 20 platinum albums.
Oh, one more thing: today is Baller’s 49th birthday and at this grand old age, he’s laying down plans for an “exit strategy” from the business, so that he can focus on being a father. So grab that bottle of Cristal from your regular fridge, because your golden one is in the mail.
Ben Baller’s golden mini-fridge drops tonight at 8 p.m. EST and can be purchased for $399 through the NTWRK app or at http://www.ntwrk.com