Ready the unicorn emoji.
The End has a menu full of colorful, intriguingly-named lattes — from the golden Radiance Beauty (made with a ginger-and-turmeric-based “radiance dust”) to the orange Bonfire Cider — but one that’s really taken off since the new Williamsburg cafe opened in the fall is its Unicorn Latte.
Listed under its restorative “healing lattes,” the blue-hued drink features no espresso, but is made with ginger, lemon, coconut milk, honey and E3Live blue green algae (in this case, the latte’s energy source). It’s dusted with turmeric and pomegranate powder and, adding to its photo appeal, is garnished with edible flowers or sprinkles.
The whimsical place is the brainchild of the owners of Montauk Juice Factory, and their Brooklyn cafe is meant to channel East End vibes (as well as, per a news release, “good vibes,” “high vibes” and, simply, “vibes”). The lattes and juices on offer are designed to “raise your vibration” and “restore you frequency of health” through nutrient-rich ingredients.
The Unicorn Latte in particular is ideal before a deep yoga session or mediation, per the cafe, and will be offered iced once the weather calls for it, so you can channel those unicorn vibes all year long.
$9; 522 Metropolitan Ave., Williamsburg, thendbrooklyn.com