If you’re the lazy type who shows up late to everything and prefers to spend the majority of a party standing in one place, you may want to go as the perpetually delayed G train. This one will take a bit of craftsmanship, but anyone from Queens or Brooklyn will thoroughly appreciate the effort.
A blogger for The Chopping Block made a perfect subway train costume for his son, but this one works for adults, too. You’ll need foamcore, silver spray paint, green construction paper, an adhesive such as duct tape, straps and patience (but if you ride the G train, you must have a lot of that anyway).
Foamcore: $9.49 at utrechtart.com
Spray paint: $5.99 at dickblick.com
Straps: $18.26 at zoro.com
Construction paper: $17.55 for 500 sheets at bizaisle.com
Directions: blog.choppingblock.com
” data-id=”19481171″ data-link=”https://amnewyork.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/24520_image.jpg” class=”wp-image-1.9481171″/>
Photo Credit: Jason Andrew; Utrecht; Blick; Zoro; Biz Aisle
Celebrating Halloween in New York City is always a good time, but we know you’ll have even more fun if you’re not out and about in the same old costume.
These nine picks, based on happenings this year in NYC, are sure to score you points for wit and creativity at any party you attend.