Remember when you first moved to New York, and you told everyone how great public transit is? So many less energy-sucking cars! So affordable! So democratic!
It only takes one summer on a subway platform to want to punch yourself in the face. While subway platforms are not exactly the nicest place any time of year, the summer is a particularly horrible time. Subway trains are (usually) air conditioned, but the platforms are not. The smell of the garbage wafts up from the tracks. The dirt and the grime look even worse when you think of the sun outside. It dawns on you: You are in an underground hell of your own choosing. At least if you punch yourself in the face, everybody around you understands.
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Photo Credit: Craig Ruttle -
Home air conditioners aren’t the only problem. There are also the freezing cold offices, which require blankets or space heaters, like the one pictured above. There’s nothing you can do, because the one person who is always hot always wins and you are left with a space heater that is probably not 100% safe. In 90 degree weather. But is there even a better way? Who knows.
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Photo Credit: Caroline Linton -
Raising your child in NYC is great. There’s diversity, exercise and a special bond that comes with four people sharing a 600-square-foot one-bedroom apartment that kids in the suburbs will never understand. Having a child with a birthday in the summer in NYC is also a breeze: Take a bunch of kids to the sprinkle park and give them Mister Softee and you’re golden.
Also there are some of the best hospitals in the world in NYC. But here’s the thing: You have to actually survive being pregnant in the summer here, which is no small feat. You have to walk everywhere in the heat, you have to deal with rude New Yorkers who push you around on the sidewalk, rose season is a cruel joke, you live in a fourth-floor walk-up and you have to ride the subway. That’s not even mentioning the hot subway platform. NYC summers ruin everything, even the sacred bond between a pregnant woman and her baby.
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Photo Credit: iStock
Hot town, summer in the city. These are the times that try men’s souls. At least that’s what we say every single year as the temperatures hit 90 and we all begin to question how we ended up with 8 million other people sweating on the sidewalk.
As we head into July, we’re preparing ourselves this year by listing the worst things about New York City in the summer.