
Red Bull offers unique chance for fans to design basketball court in Brooklyn

Red Bull court design Brooklyn Bridge Park
Photo courtesy of Pedrag Vuckovic, Red Bull Content Pool

Imagine seeing your very own artwork used to design a basketball court in Brooklyn. 

That is exactly what Red Bull is offering for the Brooklyn Bridge Park basketball courts, which are being redesigned in the coming months. One lucky artist will see their custom design make its way onto the blacktop.

There are multiple ways that one can design their custom court, either through Red Bull’s online tool or through outside means. After designing the court, the person must submit it to the online gallery on Red Bull’s website. This can be done until Sept. 1.

The designs that have been submitted already can be viewed under the “Design Gallery” section of the Red Bull website. Fans can use this to see some of the designs that they are competing with.

The site also offers a view of some of the previous court designs. Even a fan who isn’t submitting a design could benefit from looking at these, as they are some of the more unique basketball courts out there. 

Once all the designs are in, the winning design will be hand-selected by an esteemed panel of judges from the New York basketball community, including Brian Kortovich of Aces, Alex Taylor of Hoop York City, Project Backboard, and more. 

Kortovich is a former pro basketball player who creates Aces, a brand that tells “authentic stories through events, collaborations, products, and activations”, according to their website. 

Hoop York City, a women’s basketball community founded by Alex Taylor in 2018, has a mission to close the gender play gap in New York City through opportunities to connect and build basketball-related communities. 

Project Backboard, which is a partner in the design challenge, has a mission “to renovate public basketball courts in order to strengthen communities and encourage multi-gen play,” according to the Red Bull website.

Once an epic design is meticulously selected by these judges, it will be installed in the coming months. Whatever the vibrant design is, it will transform the courts for years to come. 

The winning designer will have the opportunity to see their court at the highly-anticipated Red Bull Half Court World Finals.

As the Red Bull website puts it, “The winning teams from the national finals convene at Brooklyn Bridge Park in New York for the Red Bull Half Court World Final.”

It will take place from Oct. 19-20 and will feature 3-on-3 games as men’s and women’s teams vie for the crown in their respective sections.

For more information on where to submit designs, sample courts, etc, visit here.

For more like this Red Bull story at Brooklyn Bridge Park, visit AMNY.com