The filthy Gowanus Canal claimed a small boat that suddenly sank over the weekend.
The vessel became submerged south of the Third Street Bridge while moored to the sheet pile walls lining the edge of the Whole Foods parking lot.
Firefighters came to the scene Friday night, March 18, with about two-thirds of the boat below the deeply-polluted waters, footage from the scene posted on the Citizen App shows.

The boat was still in roughly the same position Saturday evening, but it was no longer there Sunday afternoon, amNewYork Metro observed.
It is unclear if anyone was aboard when it sank and if there were any injuries, as well as whether the maritime vehicle was removed or simply dissolved into the chemically-laced waterway.
The Gowanus Canal is currently undergoing a multi-million dollar Superfund Cleanup by the federal Environmental Protection Agency to remove more than a century’s-worth of pollution and waste, and it is not a first time a watercraft has been claimed by the contaminated channel.
In 2019, a tugboat named the Barbara Ann sank near Union Street during a rainstorm due to a failed water pump, reported Curbed.
While not in the Gowanus itself, a large barge for the federal cleanup, loaded up with 800 tons of sludge from the canal bed, took on water off the coast of Brooklyn in the Gowanus Bay in early 2021 while waiting to deliver the sediment to a processing site in New Jersey.
The Fire Department and EPA did not immediately respond to requests seeking comment.