
Hot Goss: Celebrity art collections

Collecting art is certainly no longer only for the uber wealthy. From street artists to the most elite of institutions, everyone is opening to the idea that art is, literally, for everyone. 

With that being said, celebrity gossip is a guilty pleasure for most — and aren’t we all itching to know what the hottest celebrities are collecting from the hottest artists? 

Check out not only who is collecting what, but also what galleries have them available for viewing and acquisition!

Leonardo DiCaprio: This A list star and notorious ladies man has an enviable collection with blue chip standards such as Ed Ruscha, Jean Michel Basquiat, and Takashi Murakami.

Beyonce and Jay Z: It should come as no surprise that these two music and cultural icons have a vast and impressive art collection. Most notably Damien Hirst (both a dedicated Butterfly work as well as one of his infamous diamond encrusted skulls), Jean Michele Basquiat, Ed Ruscha, and Richard Prince.

Neil Patrick Harris: The “How I Met Your Mother” star has a growing and exceptional collection of art by Robert Longo, Anna Lapin, and Ahmed Alsoudani.

Madonna: Saving the best for last — Madge has spent decades acquiring some of the most highly sought after and notable artists of art history. With a great affinity for female artists, she has heavy hitters like Frida Kahlo and Tamara de Lempicka. It is said that her New York apartment also boasts the likes of Picasso, Fernand Leger, Damien Hirst, and Diego Rivera.

Pro Tip: These artists are not only in the most prestigious of museums around the world, but can also be found at some of NYCs finest galleries. Check out DTR Modern Gallery, Gagosian, and Chase Contemporary for the best accessible collections.