
A question for Donald Trump

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An American military-style uniform made in China on sale in an army/navy store in Vienna, Austria.

By CLAYTON PATTERSON  |  A question to Donald Trump since he is presidential material and does business in our part of New York City. First, let’s agree that we differ in opinion about Occupy Wall Street. (See my Oct. 27 piece in The Villager, “O.W.S. has many messages: Ignore them at your own risk.”) And it is with our difference on O.W.S. that I bring forward this question.

The question is related to jobs. And it is the base of another reason why I don’t support these foreign wars inspired by special-interest groups. Included in the question is the idea of lost jobs, and who our military is fighting for if the uniforms are made in China?

A part of war is protecting one’s own resources, future and industrial complexes, like manufacturing and factories. Much of the stability of a country and a community is related to jobs for the masses. Most people are not lazy. They want an opportunity to work, have a family, buy a home, and attain all that is attached to the American Dream. But look on the Internet and see where America’s lost manufacturing base has gone — China. However, this latest example is an even more brutal reality.

I was in Austria and I spoke to a man who owned an army/navy-type store. He was having real problems getting American military uniforms to sell because of the “Made in China” label. Austrians do not want “Made in China” American military wear. I believe he was having a similar problem with Smith & Wesson knives.

Donald, as a Republican, how can you support the making of U.S.A. military uniforms in China? Why aren’t you vocal about this fact? Another reason for O.W.S. to exist.

And by the way, we — you and I — did have an interaction in 1989. On April Fools’ Day, April 1, the city of New York came in, evicted, then, in the same day, tore down a five-story tenement that was being squatted as their home by Tia Scot and her family. Tia was devastated. You put her up in the Chelsea Hotel for a month.

I came with Tia to your office in Midtown. I always remember your generosity and help in that situation. For Tia, an elegant lady, a shelter was the last, bottom-end option. So, thanks for that emotional and mentally stabilizing help. Your care sheltered a devastated woman.