Cops investigate a shooting on Milford Street in which Ken Singleton, aka Foot 4 Mayor, was shot dead while washing his car. (Photo by Lloyd Mitchell)
A 35-year-old clothing designer and graffiti artist was shot to death while washing his car in front of his Brooklyn home Saturday morning, police reported.
Published reports identified the victim as Kenneth Singleton, 35, also known by his graffiti tag Foot 4 Mayor. Singleton also used his tag as the name of his clothing line based in East New York.
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Police say just after 11 a.m. on June 20, Singleton was washing his Chrysler 3o0 in front of his home at 334 Milford St. in East New York when a gunman walked up to him and shot him at point-blank range.
Moments later, officers from the 75th Precinct found Singleton sprawled on the ground next to his car, with multiple gunshot wounds. The cleaning products he used sat on the hood and on the ground.
Paramedics rushed Singleton to Brookdale University Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.
Police believe the assailant walked up on Singleton and shot him with a revolver; no shells were found at the scene.
Singleton’s uncle said that the victim “was a good man. I can’t believe he’s gone. He leaves behind a kid.”
The shooting however, was not a shock to other residents, who said he was involved with a “tough crowd.”
The outpouring on Instagram was apparent that he was popular. He actively pushed his line of clothing, mostly shirts and pants, many emblazoned with hand guns – as can be seen on an ENY broadcast on Youtube.
This jacket was on a Youtube video he was wearing for an ENY interview.
“I’m not gonna sit here and be emotional, I’m gonna praise your s—,” said one mourner on Instagram.
Prior to the killing, at least 20 people were killed and injured in a dozen supposedly unrelated shootings Friday into Saturday. Many of those shooting were gang related, according to police.
Anyone with information regarding the latest shooting can call Crime Stoppers at 800-577-TIPS (for Spanish, dial 888-57-PISTA). You can also submit tips online at, or on Twitter @NYPDTips. All calls and messages are kept confidential.
Cops investigate a shooting on Milford Street. A 35 year old male was shot and killed washing his car. He was pronounced dead at Brookdale Hospital. (Photo by Lloyd Mitchell)