
Furry forecast: What you need to know about Groundhog Day in NYC on Feb. 2

Does Chuck feel chippy? Staten Island Chuck will make his big Groundhog Day prediction Thursday, Feb. 2.
Photo via Facebook/Staten Island Zoo

NYC’s favorite rodent (after Pizza Rat) is back and ready to predict the weather!

Groundhog Chuck is almost set to emerge from his cozy den at the Staten Island Zoo with the answer to a question brewing on everyone’s mind: Will the Big Apple see an early spring? Or should New Yorkers prepare for six more weeks of winter?

Only the groundhog knows, but humans will get the answer on Feb. 2, also known as Groundhog Day!

Here’s what you need to know about Groundhog Day in NYC

What is Groundhog Day?

Groundhog Day is more than a movie from 1993 starring Bill Murray. It’s an annual event held every Feb. 2 in various parts of the United States and Canada. It involves observing an adorable groundhog’s behavior and using it to forecast upcoming weather.

Where is Groundhog Day held in New York City?

Groundhog Day in NYC is held at the Staten Island Zoo in Staten Island, which is known as the borough of parks. With so much grassy land and sprawling green space, Staten Island provides a dream habitat for groundhogs. Although Chuck is Staten Island’s most famous groundhog, these small mammals live in many of the borough’s parks and open spaces. 

What happens at the zoo’s Groundhog Day event, and how are weather predictions made?

Chuck will either see his shadow, indicating there will be six more weeks of winter in the city–or—he won’t see it, thus telling New Yorkers that spring is around the corner. Either way, the handsome fellow will look cute and chonky as he makes his in-depth meteorology report. 

What time is the event, and where can New Yorkers see it?

The fun event starts at 8 a.m. sharp on Feb. 2. The zoo will livestream it from its Facebook page. Often, other animals make an appearance at the ceremony, including a chinchilla, another adorable creature in the rodent family. 

Groundhog Day
A look back: Staten Island Chuck peaks out of his log cabin on Groundhog Day at the Staten Island Zoo on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023. Chuck saw no shadow on the frigid morning, marking an early spring ahead.Photo by Paul Frangipane

Does Staten Island Chuck have competition from other furry forecasters around the country?

Unfortunately, yes. Being that Groundhog Day is celebrated nationwide and in Canada, there are other groundhogs who try to make predictions on Feb. 2. Most notable is Punxsutawney Phil, of Punxsutawney, PA, who is highly acclaimed and receives national attention every year—even though NYC’s own Chuck has a better track record of predicting the weather accurately.

Last year, the Staten Island Zoo said Chuck has had an 80% accuracy rate for predictions compared to Phil, who sits at 39%. In 2024, Chuck predicted an early spring after he did not see his shadow. The forecast put him in agreement Phil, who also said spring was on its way across state lines in Pennsylvania.

Other local groundhogs throwing their shadows into the ring include Malverne Mel and Holtsville Hal of Long Island. With so many weather hogs from whom to get information, New Yorkers are likely waiting in anticipation to see who is most accurate.

As for which groundhog is the cutest…they all win!

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