![He’ll drink to The Donald 2 TrumpSupporter-2016-06-09-V02,VIL,PRINT_WEB,WEB](https://www.amny.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/TrumpSupporter-2016-06-09-V02VILPRINT_WEBWEB.jpg)
Alex, 13, a major Donald Trump supporter, was recently spotted on Duane St. in Tribeca. A student at Chelsea’s LAB School, he was doing his part to get the bombastic real estate tycoon elected by manning a Trump informational stand in front of his building. The young politico said he likes the candidate’s foreign, domestic and economic policies, and would really “love to meet him someday.” The teen for Trump was not soliciting donations but giving away snacks and drinks, all in the name of trying to Make America Great Again. Yeah, right, more sugar and aspartame! That’s all we need. Anyway, Alex is definitely going against the grain in Lower Manhattan, where most voters are no doubt going to vote Democratic in November and are aghast at the idea of Trump as president.