
Hero auxiliaries remembered

[media-credit name=”Photo by Tequila Minsky” align=”aligncenter” width=”600″][/media-credit]Auxiliary police officers bowed their heads in a moment of silence on Sullivan St. earlier this month as a prayer was read at the fifth anniversary memorial for slain Sixth Precinct Auxiliaries Nicholas Pekearo and Yevgeniy “Eugene” Marshalik. On the evening of March 14, 2007, the unarmed volunteer auxiliaries pursued crazed gunman David Garvin, 42, who had just slain Alfredo Romero Morales, 33, a pizzeria restaurant worker at Houston and MacDougal Sts. The frustrated filmmaker then mortally wounded both Pekearo, 28, a Village native who was an aspiring horror/sci-fi writer, and Marshalik, 19, an N.Y.U. student. The killer was then felled in a hail of bullets by police officers as he emerged from the Village Tannery store on Bleecker St., where he likely had been reloading his firearm. In 2009, honorary signs with the auxiliaries’ names were added next to the street signs at Sullivan and Bleecker Sts. Joining auxiliaries at the fifth anniversary memorial were Sixth Precinct officers, family members, local merchants and community board members. Flowers and other tributes were affixed to the light poles at the corners of Bleecker and Sullivan.