
Hey, D.A., prosecute D.S.K.!


Monday the Manhattan District Attor-ney’s Office announced that Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s next court date, scheduled for July 18, was being postponed till Aug. 1. Both sides’ lawyers reportedly needed time to bolster their arguments.

Hours later, a handful of protesters gathered outside “D.S.K.”’s Franklin St. Tribeca townhouse. Members of Women Against Rape and sexual assault (W.A.R.), they called on D.A. Cy Vance Jr. to appoint a special prosecutor and bring the accuser’s case to trial.

CUNY profesor Ellen Belcher said, “I’d like to bring up the phrase ‘rape culture.’ The bodice rippers of romance novels, the violence of not-consensual sex. The message to rapists is, ‘Go ahead,’ because the D.A. won’t believe you and the media will attack you.”

Jefferson Siegel