
Just Do Art!

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Sundays, through March 25: Theodicy Jazz Collective honors peacemakers.
BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS  Yes, your vow to give up cake for Lent was a commendable act of self-denial…but it doesn’t quite put you in the same league as game changers like Mahatma Gandhi. On February 26, he was honored at “Blessed are the Peacemakers.” This Lenten series pays tribute to men and women whose faith and courage changed their lives — and the fate of countless others. On March 4, Wangari Maathai is the honoree. On March 11, Martin Luther King, Jr.; on March 18, Oscar Romero; and on March 25, Nelson Mandela. Theodicy Jazz Collective (a group of musicians committed to ministry through the spiritual power of music) performs stories and jazz meditations likely to spark the imagination and inspire you to take some altruistic actions of your own.

Free, 4:30-5:30pm, every Sun. during Lent. At St. Paul’s Chapel (Broadway, at Fulton St.). For info, call 212-602-0800 or visit trinitywallstreet.org.

ROLF KOPPEL: “WILLING”   Austrian art historian Peter Weiermair curated this photography exhibition, whose 60+ images (taken over three decades) bear witness to the interaction between artist (Rolf Koppel) and muse (Koppel’s partner, William Light Johnson). Their complex relationship is no mere product of the roles played by a voyeur and his object of desire. Referencing that very dynamic, Koppel says of Johnson: “The Greeks had designated the balance between intelligence, awareness, sensuousness and sensuality through pose, gesture and proportion. And as an intelligent artist himself, Will comprehends that before the camera he is a representative of himself as well as of me. He knows that desire and doubt, intellect and awareness can occur simultaneously in the same image.”

Through March 17. At the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art (26 Wooster St., btw. Canal & Grand Sts.). Museum Hours: Tues.-Sat., 12-6pm. For info, call 212-431-2609 or visit leslielohman.org. For Facebook/Twitter: LeslieLohman. During the exhibition, Koppel’s most recent book (“Basement Arcade”) — along with “Rolf Koppel, Photographs 1976 > 2003” and “Will” are available for purchase.

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L-R: Alejandro T. Acierto, Jeffrey Gavett, William Lang and Andy Kozar are the chamber group loadbang.
GREENWICH HOUSE MUSIC SCHOOL PRESENTS NORTH RIVER MUSIC  The fourth installment of Greenwich House Music School’s North River Music Season 26 offers a bit of the old, and a bit of the new. Further advancing North River’s devotion to presenting new and experimental music, the chamber group loadbang will perform the world premiere of composer Randy Gibson’s “Primary Structures I” — in a program that also celebrates the centennial of composer John Cage. Among the Cage selections are “Living Room Music” and “Song Books with Solos for Trumpet, Trombone, and Clarinet” — which ought to get a high-octane interpretation, given loadbang’s penchant for improvisation and lung-powered instrumentation (the group is comprised of bass clarinet, trumpet, trombone and baritone voice).

Thurs., March 8, 8pm. At Greenwich House Music School (46 Barrow St., at Bedford St.). Tickets are $15 at the door ($10 for students/seniors). For info, call 212-242-4770 or visit greenwichhouse.org. Also visit loadbgangmusic.com and randy-gibson.com. Other North River Music programs include a May 3 event at which Morton Subotnick discusses his use of Ableton Live software.

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Risa Jaroslow & Dancers: “Resist/Surrender.”
RISA JAROSLOW & DANCERS: 25th ANNIVERSARY SEASON  Risa Jaroslow & Dancers celebrates their milestone with a world premiere and a revival. “There are as many ways to move as there are people,” says Jaroslow. “I include both the incredible virtuosity of highly trained dancers and the unique and deeply human contributions of non-trained movers in my work. By combining them, I aim to create a rich, complex picture of the human experience that is resonant with all kinds of audiences.” Jaroslow’s quest to explore how we realize our ambition to make genuine human connections will be on view, when the company performs 2006’s “Resist/Surrender” (which features a dozen men from diverse backgrounds — including an occupational therapist, a stock analyst, an adult literacy professional and a young Guyanese artist with a day job at Banana Republic. Elsewhere on the program, the world premiere of “The Middle of Where She Is” features three women investigating the sense of loss that comes with growth and responsibility.

Fri., March 9-Sat., March 10 at 8pm; Sun., March 11, at 3pm. At Abrons Arts Center (466 Grand St., at Pitt). For tickets ($20, $15 for students/seniors), call 212-352-3101 or visit abronsartscenter.org and hightidedance.com.