
O.W.S. wants to ‘chase’ out bank

[media-credit name=”Tequila Minsky” align=”alignleft” width=”300″][/media-credit]N.Y.U. 4 Occupy Wall Street members protested outside Bobst Library last Thursday, calling for N.Y.U. to cut financial ties with JP Morgan Chase and evict its Chase bank branch from its property. The group delivered a letter to John Sexton two weeks earlier asking him to sever N.Y.U.’s relationship with the company. The school president didn’t respond by their April 12 deadline, so they responded with a street-theater skit in which they delivered an eviction letter to a fake Sexton — with white paper beard, above — asking him to boot the bank. N.Y.U. 4 O.W.S. charges that JP Morgan Chase, as a leading financier of subprime mortgage lenders, played a major role in the housing crisis. In a statement, the protesters said, in part, “Even now, despite public outrage and resistance from organized communities, JP Morgan Chase continues to be the leader in home foreclosures in New York, with nearly $20 billion worth of foreclosed homes on its books — more than any other bank in the country.”