
Police Blotter, November 30, 2011

Downtown floater
Police responded to a call around 9:20 a.m. Sat., Nov. 26 about a man in the water off Battery Park City. An NYPD Harbor Unit boat picked up an unconscious Hispanic man, 31, and bought him to the North Cove Marina where an Emergency Medical Service team declared him dead. Identification is pending family notification.

South St. crash
Two drivers were injured when their cars crashed around 4:30 a.m. Sat., Nov. 26 beneath the FDR Dr. on South St. near Clinton St., police said. The impact sent one car across the northbound lane before it jumped the curb, crashed into a steel support of the elevated road and burst into flames. Both drivers were taken to Bellevue hospital with serious injuries. One of drivers, Jessie Strauss, 29, identified by police as an employee of the city Business Integrity Commission, was charged with driving while intoxicated.

Essex-Delancey crash
An out-of-control Daily News delivery truck crashed into the Olympia Diner at Delancey and Essex Sts. shortly before 1:30 a.m. Tues., Nov. 29 injuring the driver and the helper in the truck. They were taken to Bellevue with undetermined injuries. The truck was headed east on Delancey when it went out of control, jumped the curb, slammed into the diner’s roll-down gate and smashed the window it was protecting. Despite extensive damage, the diner opened later that morning.

Trying to flee in ferry
Two 11-year-old boys were arrested while trying to flee on the Staten Island Ferry shortly after 3:30 p.m. Fri., Nov. 18 after robbing a visitor from Britain, 75 who had just gotten off the Statue of Liberty Ferry. The victim and his wife were walking through Battery Park when the boys tried to pick his pocket. The victim fell to the grounds during a struggle and the suspects made off with his wallet and $90. The money and the wallet were recovered. The names of the boys was withheld because of their age,

Motor thefts
A woman who parked her 2001 Toyota in front of 481 Washington St. near Canal at 1:24 a.m. Sat., Nov. 26, returned the next day at 1:45 a.m. to find broken glass at the spot but no car. A surveillance camera recorded two young thieves breaking a window, rummaging through the car and leaving but returning later and driving off with the car.

A man who parked his car in front of 99 Vandam St. at 10:15 a.m. returned at 2 p.m. the next day to find it had been stolen.

Police arrested John Agaman in the Wall St. Parking Garage at 41 Exchange Pl. around 4:20 a.m. Thurs., Nov. 24 after he crashed while trying to drive off with a BMW that he stole.

A man parked his Ducati motorcycle on the northeast corner of Jay and Greenwich Sts around 3:35 p.m. Tues., Nov. 22 and went to work. He returned at 6 p.m. and found it had been stolen.

Suddenly felt lighter
A who had just bought a new MacBook felt his bag slip from his shoulder at 4 p.m. Fri., Nov. 25 while he was walking on the corner of Broadway and Prince St. He discovered that the brand new computer was gone.

Alligators migrate
A man who walked into the crowded Lacoste shop at 541 Broadway between Spring and Prince Sts. around 6 p.m. Fri., Nov. 25 managed to shove more than 50 shirts with a total value of $3,140 into his bag and walk out without paying for them.

Knock-off knock down
A man who was selling counterfeit brand clothes in front of 301 Canal St. near Broadway around 4 p.m. Sat., Nov. 26 was charged with assault for resisting arrest and pulling an officer to the ground with him during a struggle.

Gone from the stroller
A woman who put her bag in her child’s stroller while shopping in the Whole Foods store at 270 Greenwich St. near Murray, around 10 a.m. Fri., Nov. 11, discovered it was gone. The bag was found later near the corner of Greenwich and Harrison Sts. but the wallet was gone.

— Albert Amateau