The hostess with the politicians. Robert Bradlow—host, Sharon Woolums, Senator Chuck Schumer, the hostess Frieda Bradlow, City Council Member Carlina Rivera, Congress Member Carolyn Maloney, VID President David Siffert, Boro President Gale Brewer, Assembly Member Deborah Glick. (Photos by Tequila Minsky)
BY TEQUILA MINSKY | Where many of the politicos must go, including judges, those running for judge, and those people who want to be judges, the Village Independent Democrats seasonal party is an annual event everyone looks forward to.
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Mixing seasonal party cheer with politics—the annual VID Christmas party held at Frieda Bradlow’s home attracts all the politicians that represent the area. Carolyn Maloney talks about the current status of things in Washington.City Council Member Carlina Rivera speaking of women in politics that she’s about to introduce.
Frieda Bradlow opens her home, everyone brings food, and there is plenty of great eats.
Hostess Frieda Bradlow with Senator Chuck Schumer and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
The only one missing this year was Jerry Nadler, busy in Washington with the impeachment.
Senator Chuck Schumer speaks.Local politicians with the Village Independent Democrats president. BP Gale Brewer, Council Member Carlina Rivera, VID Pres. David Siffert, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, and Assembly Member Deborah Glick.