
Soho pop-up cafe finally opens up


It could almost be a deck in the Hamptons, if you just visually block out the tenements. But, in fact, this is the recently opened pop-up cafe outside The Local coffee shop on Sullivan Sts. between Prince and Houston Sts. The Soho spot was the only one of six finalist applicants for pop-up cafes in the Community Board 2 district to win C.B. 2’s approval. The cafe occupies the parking spot outside the 10-foot-wide cafe. Anyone can sit in it, and a purchase from The Local is not required. Under a pilot program, it will be open to the public through October, then will reopen next May. Under C.B. 2’s stipulations, the pop-up must close by 9 p.m. Settling insurance issues for the curbside seating area reportedly had delayed its opening for a couple of months. The pop-up was more crowded over the weekend, but the recent heat wave may have kept down the number of users a bit this week.