![The Angry Buddhist: Impeach Nadler! 1](https://www.amny.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/nadler-photo2.jpg)
The Impeachment of Jerrold Nadler
Congressman from New York’s 10th District
Report of the citizens of the 10th District, including
Manhattan’s Upper West Side, Hell’s Kitchen, Chelsea,
Soho, Greenwhich Village, Tribeca, the Financial
District and Battery Park City.
Articles of Impeachment
A. Undemocratically elected to Congress in “collusion” with The New York Democratic machine in 1992 after incumbent Ted Weiss dies days before the primary election.
B. Personal war in the 1990s with Developer Donald J. Trump, leading to the continued existing elevated West Side Highway, preventing additional, unimpeded Hudson River parkland at Trump’s Riverside South Development, formerly Penn Rail Yards. Nadler put his petty puerile vendetta above the interest of the park and the people.
C. Lying continuously to the Soho, Little Italy, Chinatown and Tribeca communities for 26 years regarding the one-way toll on the Verrazano Bridge, the greatest air-pollution crisis in New York City, while costing the M.T.A. hundreds of millions of lost revenue.
D. Failure to rescind the toll when the Democratic Party had total control of Congress and Executive branch, 2009-11.
E. Failure of the now-powerful congressman to include legislation to rescind the toll in the latest 2019 “Wall” Spending Bill, with the Democratic Party in control of the House of Representatives.
F. Waste of public money in his obsession to build an unfeasible and already obsolete $20 billion freight-rail tunnel under the Hudson River from Port Elizabeth, NJ, to the Brooklyn waterfront. Roughly $28.7 million has been allocated in studies to date.
G. Failure as Democratic Judiciary chairperson to investigate Big Tech censorship.
H. Making false statements, Dec. 11, 2018, before the House Judiciary Committee, claiming that Google “does not censor content.”
I. Making innumerable false and dangerous statements that Russian trolls “influenced” the 2016 election.
J. Failure to retract false and dangerous statements regarding “Russian influence” after Google C.E.O. Sundar Pichai testified on Dec. 11, 2018, in response to Nadler’s questioning, that “ad accounts linked to Russia” spent in total “about $4,700 in advertising” to politically influence Americans.
K. Making disrespectful, false and dangerous statement, Feb. 19, 2018, on MSNBC claiming Russian trolling was an “act of war and was equivalent to Pearl Harbor.”
L. Failure to oppose U.S. interventionist wars in the Middle East that have killed millions and cost trillions but to oppose Trump’s peace initiatives in Syria, Afghanistan and North Korea.
M. After Michael Cohen fails to deliver the “collusion bombshell” on Feb. 27, 2019, before Congress, Nadler calls for yet another investigation into Trump for calling media “fake news” and the “enemy of the people.”
N. Failure to investigate the 10 worst, most embarrassing media failures on the Trump Russia story. This includes (1) the Guardian story, Nov. 27, 2018, claiming Paul Manafort visited Julian Assange three times; (2) CNN, on July 27, 2018, explicitly lying about Hillary Clinton and Michael Cohen’s attorney, Lanny Davis, being its source for a story whose substance was also false: Cohen would testify that Trump knew in advance about the Trump Tower meeting; (3) Buzzfeed’s Jan. 27, 2019, report that Robert Mueller possesses internal e-mails and witnesses’ interviews proving Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress; (4) the CNN and MSNBC story, on Dec. 9, 2017, that Donald Trump Jr. was offered advance access to the Wikileaks e-mail archive.
O. Failure to open an investigation into the rigging of the 2016 Democratic primary by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, including the disenfranchisement of 240,000 New York city voters in the primary.
It’s time for Nadler to go — above all because he has failed miserably to serve his constituents.
His personal obsession with Trump, who bested him repeatedly in real estate turf wars and taunted him, makes him unfit to represent us. Nadler’s entire raison d’être is revenge: By becoming Judiciary chairperson, he now can initiate impeachment proceedings, as was done to Bill Clinton, for fooling around with Monica Lewinsky.
We the people ultimately will suffer Trump’s vindictiveness directed at Nadler. We need a representative who can win funding for security, for our crumbling infrastructure and mass transit needs — but not Nadler with his useless, Freudian-obsessive, overpriced, choo-choo freight tunnel under New York Harbor.
But most of all, Nadler must go for his pathetic inability for 26 years to rescind the one-way toll on the Verrazano Bridge. Even when toll collection was recently abandoned in favor of electronic tolling, he was unable to strike a deal with Republican Staten Island — or maybe he didn’t even bother. The toll has been the true assault on his Downtown Manhattan constituents for decades — never rectified by this ineffective hack — not the goddamned Ruskies.
All of the above articles of impeachment can be verified via Google (for now).