
The Art of Remembrance


9/11 observed through dance, music, theater, art



Running concurrently with an exhibition of the same images at Espaço Soma in Sao Paulo, Brazil, “PIIOTOS_WTC” features images of the Twin Towers by 20 of Brazil’s most renowned photographers — who lived, worked or were passing through NYC between 1973 (the year the Twin Towers were inaugurated) and 2010. Curated by Sao Paulo-based journalist Fernando Costa Netto, the collection of images features work by Ali Karakas, Ângelo Maciel, Bob Wolfenson, Cassio Vasconcellos, Christian Sievers, Claudio Versiani, Cristiano Quintino, Claudio Elisabetsky, German Lorca, Gui von Schmidt, Ignácio Aronovich, Ivan Shupikov, Mario Fontes, Paulo Fridman, Paulo Vainer, Roberto Linsker, Rogério Assis, Tuca Reinés, Walter Nicolau, Lufe Gomes, Marcello Pallotta and Victor Andrade. On view from Sept. 7-17 (reception from 6-8pm on Wed., Sept. 7). At 1500 Gallery (511 W. 25 St., #607). For info, call 917-362-0770 or visit 1500gallery.com.


With Christmas 2001 fast approaching, playwright David Rimmer (a Pulitzer Prize Finalist for “Album”) met with two producers to mull over the possibility of writing a few brief scenes for a show to benefit a group of psychiatrists volunteering their efforts for those impacted by 9/11. He thought it would be a weekend’s worth of work. Three months later, there was the full-length play “New York” — whose 15 characters and 16 scenes charted heartbreak and resilience in the days after 9/11. Having been produced around the world since its premier performance in April 2002, the work returns to New York — courtesy of The Group Theatre Too. Among the veteran actors featured are Broadway performers Polly Adams (“Lost in Yonkers”), Elaine Bromka (“The Rose Tattoo”) and Catherine Kellner (“The Iceman Cometh”). A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows — a nonprofit organization founded by family members of those lost on September 11th who have united to turn grief into action for peace.

Thurs., Sept. 8 at 8pm; Fri., Sept. 9 at 8pm; Sat., Sept. 10 at 2pm and 8pm; and Sun., Sept. 11 at 2pm. At the Hudson Guild Theater (441 W. 26th St., btw. 9th & 10th Aves.). For tickets ($18), visit NewYorkThePlay.org. For group sales, call Justin at 917-880-7724. Also visit grouptheatretoo.org.


Barely a year had passed since the events of 9/11, when PBS “Frontline” producer Helen Whitney set out to probe that ancient, nagging question as to how a loving God could permit such death and destruction (and how our faith is tested by such things). The resulting documentary — “Faith and Double at Ground Zero” — had a lasting impact on playwright Peter-Adrian Cohen. Based on the Whitney documentary, his new work (“In the Name of God”) concerns six men and women undergoing a profound crisis of faith sparked by what they saw on 9/11. Free. Sun., Sept. 11, 3pm reading (with a “Talk Back” session to follow). At Judson Memorial Church (55 Washington Square South). Visit judson.org, call 212-477-0351 or send an email to info@judson.org.

Image courtesy of Judson Memorial Church

“In the Name of God” questions our faith in the aftermath of 9/11.