Luis Nieto, Chef
The Palm
206 West St.
Dish served?
We are serving a Philly Cheese Steak on pretzel bread because we wanted to offer something new, similar to our new lunch menu Philly Cheese Steak, and give the Taste of Tribeca a new, fun dish from The Palm.
Beverage/dish pairing?
I’m a personal lover of Kamen and Trefethen, which go great with this type of meat dish.
Who taught you to cook?
I learned from my father who is a chef as well, I remember the first French onion soup we made together, I was probably 10.
Favorite food growing up?
We had these corn biscuits that were dipped in hot chocolate called “bizcochos,” they were to die for!
Splurge utensil?
A tasting spoon, new chefs should focus on and always taste what their cooks are putting in front of them.
Common mistake?
Under ordering and understaffing.
Cooking injury?
Slicing off my finger nail on a cook-off event right after 9/11.
Last meal?
I would ask my mom to cook me her rice and chicken stew served with the fresh fruit shakes she used to do for us growing up.