Trick-or-treaters were out and about in Manhattan for Halloween.
Photo by Dean Moses
Halloween has once again arrived and the Big Apple’s ghouls, ghosts, and goblins have emerged to demand surgery treats.
East side, west side and all around the town, New York families ventured through the streets Sunday donning their most terrifying garb in search of all kinds of Halloween fun.
Upper East Side
Folks on the Upper East Side woke up bright and early to score first dibs on candy and paint pumpkins ready for the big night.
A royal family. Photo by Dean MosesAn adorable little scarecrow was ready for some treats. Photo by Dean MosesPrincesses, witches, and even murderous chickens stalked the streets of the Upper East Side. Photo by Dean MosesFamilies made sure to color coordinate their costumes. Photo by Dean MosesThroughout Manhattan there were several activities for children to enjoy this Halloween, like pumpkin paining. Photo by Dean MosesChildren stopped by local stores for trick-or-treating. Photo by Dean MosesTrick-or-treaters hit the streets in the Upper East Side. Photo by Dean Moses
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Down to Chelsea there was several creatures scurrying throughout the neighborhood, stopping by several local storefronts in search of some tasty candy.
Who you gonna call in Chelsea? Ghostbusters! Photo by Dean MosesSome New Yorkers decided to mash up their favorite villains and heroes. Photo by Dean MosesLocal shops offered children a handful of candy. Photo by Dean MosesIt was a nice day for trick-or-treating. Photo by Dean MosesWith their bags open, trick-or-treaters were hoping to score lots of candy. Photo by Dean Moses
East Village
Down in the East Village trick-or-treaters were not the only ones dressed to impress, pets of all sizes also wore cute attire as well. And for the first time in a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, revelers began gathering for the Village Halloween Parade. (More photos to come later on
Cookie Monster was hungry for treats! Photo by Dean MosesGhost face leads a pack of puppies on their scary walk through Tompkins Square Park. Photo by Dean MosesThe furriest Jack-o’-lantern. Photo by Dean MosesA young knight on their quest for candy. Photo by Dean MosesSome New Yorkers decided to dress as their favorite anime characters. Photo by Dean MosesThe beautiful fall day allowed children and their families to enjoy their walk around the East Village. Photo by Dean MosesPhoto by Dean MosesPhoto by Dean MosesPhoto by Dean MosesReady to get the gong sounded on the Village Halloween Parade.Photo by Dean MosesA pair of kids pose as they make the rounds through the East Village. Photo by Dean Moses