
Untitled Document

By Daniel Meltzer

With interest from city schools, Pier 40 plan may make the grade

Giving a major boost to a plan to keep Pier 40 afloat as a community-friendly, low-impact part of Hudson River Park, the New York City School Construction Authority wants to build up to three high schools on the sprawling W. Houston St. pier.

Choppers are to be chopped down to fewer flights soon

The noisy W. 30th St. Heliport, located within the Hudson River Park, will become progressively quieter beginning next year when sightseeing flights are reduced by half, and are eliminated entirely by April 1, 2010, according to a settlement in Manhattan State Supreme Court.

2 months-long journey to vote on Playhouse ends at C.B. 2

Community Board 2 last week voted to approve New York University’s plan to demolish and replace the four MacDougal St. buildings where the Provincetown Playhouse is located but preserve the famed little theater itself and build around it.

East Side, West Side: Free park films

C.B. 2 backs dumping some trucks from garage plan

The Department of Sanitation garage for three sanitation districts proposed for the UPS site on Spring St. between Washington and West Sts. drew a chorus of criticism last Thursday from neighborhood residents and property owners at a joint hearing by Community Boards 1 and 2.

Connor comes through for L.E.S. Girls Club project

The Lower Eastside Girls Club earlier this month received a $150,000 New York State Capital Funding Grant, presented by State Senator Martin Connor. The funds will be used in the construction of the Girls Club’s new Center for Community on Avenue D between Seventh and Eighth Sts.

Some at boards bristle at a surprise car-free idea

Some community boards in lower Manhattan were less than pleased when Mayor Mike Bloomberg revealed the city’s “Summer Streets” plan last week.

Gay Pride

PIX HR:Getting primed for Pride

Couples not just California dreamin’, but marryin’

Following on the heels of Governor David Paterson’s order for state agencies to recognize same-sex marriages, some New York couples are rushing to head down the aisle in California, where they can legally wed.

From the bars to burgers, flavor remains the same

Somewhere on Christopher St. it is still 1980.

It began with a hamburger one recent night last week. And it ended with rediscovering the Christopher St. that I remember from 1980.

Twenty-five years of feeling the love: L.G.B.T. Center is providing support and sustenance

Hunching over his yellow-highlighted, photocopied pages of “Psalms 105,” a discussion leader at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center asked the eight middle-aged students — gathered in folding chairs around a small wooden table — about the purpose of Israel.

For seniors, advocacy is needed now more than ever

The mission of SAGE — the country’s oldest, nonprofit agency providing services and advocacy for gay, lesbian bisexual and transgender senior citizens — has been undergoing a change.

He’s taking action to make the impossible possible

Pink fliers stuffing his messenger bag, Tim Doody pedaled uptown to organize a protest for homeless people who can’t afford the bus fare to their Ward’s Island shelter.



Zombies on stage, in the crowd too

In “Neighborhood 3: Requisition of Doom,” a cast of four actors play revolving roles—various boys, girls, mothers, and fathers—allowing the characters to merge into a sheltered blankness. No one seems to know each other in this suburban neighborhood; the kids stay in rooms that the adults are afraid to enter, while the adults intrude on each other’s interventions.

Koch on Film

Love and other indoor sports

Keith Gessen didn’t answer any of my questions about love, and neither did his book.

Asian retreat

The seventh New York Asian Film Festival is the biggest one yet, offering 43 features and two programs of shorts. Even so, the selection suggests an ongoing crisis in the region’s cinema.

Sex, rugs and rock ’n’ roll mark summer’s arrival

It’s summer and the time is right for getting loose and letting your hair down. Traditionally, galleries have used the slot to promote fresh artists and mount theme-oriented group shows.






Marriage within reach

As L.G.B.T. Pride Month culminates with this Sunday’s Fifth Ave. parade, there is much to celebrate. In the past month, Governor David Paterson has ordered all state agencies to develop a blueprint for ensuring that any gay or lesbian couple legally married outside New York will have their unions recognized as marriages here. And, after five years, a transgender civil rights bill has finally been approved by the Democratic-controlled State Assembly.



Welcome to MEtopia and iPods, iPhones…iEverything

Utopia: an ideal or perfect society or community, usually all planned out and created from scratch — perfect climate, no conflicts, everything works and everyone is happy, healthy, beautiful and having a great time; heaven on earth. Psychotherapists, divorce lawyers, litigators and Blackwater International account execs need not apply. Shangri-La, in the movie of the same name, was a utopia. The U.S.S.R. was supposed to be a utopia. So was your marriage.

Meetings: Omnibus is omniverous, takes on Provincetown Playhouse




Jane Maggin, 64, N.Y.U. vice president during ’70s




Obama ovation at CK soiree

Artist is a cool cat

Came within a breath of death

Quite a show at J.J./Dapolito reno.


Little League and waterfront have come a long way