
VillageCare service for seniors living in ‘Neighborhood NORC’


VillageCare is offering free assistance to seniors age 60 and older who live in the area it’s calling “The Heart of Greenwich Village,” between W. 13th St. and Greenwich Ave. from Seventh to Sixth Aves. and between W. 12th and W. Eighth Sts. from Sixth to Fifth Aves.

The New York State Office for the Aging has designated the area as a NNORC (Neighborhood Naturally Occurring Retirement Community) because of the large number of older adults. Some of the services offered include an initial home screening and social assessment with follow-up visits as needed.

VillageCare also offers to help people in the area to understand and obtain benefits like Senior Citizens Rent Increase Exemptions (SCRIE) and the state Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) program. Help with Medicare D, Medicaid and other insurances will be available. Referrals and follow-ups include coordinating various medical services and arranging friendly visits and get-togethers, in-home meals and home-attendant services. Free lectures and seminars will be available.

For more information and to register by phone call 212-337-5800. The e-mail is heart@villagecare.org.