
Cops catch snake jay-slithering across West Village street

Cops caught a sneaky serpent slithering across the street in the West Village on Sunday afternoon.

Cops caught a sneaky serpent slithering across the street in the West Village on Sunday after it gave locals a fright, authorities said.

According to police sources, Lower Manhattanites were ready to shed their skin on Aug. 4 when they spotted a suspicious snake slinking in the street on Washington and 12th streets at around 11:18 a.m. and dialed 911. The scaly sighting prompted cops from the 6th Precinct to investigate.

Cops ushered the snake into a container before dropping it off at a local rescue facility.NYPD

Police say the officers were equally surprised to discover the snake wiggling its way across the roadway. The cops swiftly wrangled the wayward reptile, placing it into a black container. It was by no means sssss-mall, measuring about three feet in length.

Police dropped the catch off at a nearby Animal Care Center, an adoption and animal rescue facility.

Authorities do not know where the snake came from and say they are still investigating how the serpent got loose.