
Your Letters, December 28, 2011

Cheers to letters to the editor!

To the Editor:
This past year, I’m grateful that the Downtown Express has afforded me the opportunity to express my views, along with others who may have different opinions on the issues of the day, via letters to the editor. Thanks to you, an ordinary citizen like myself has the freedom to comment on the actions and legislation of various elected officials at the city, state and federal level. Public officials are powerful and have easy access to taxpayer dollars to promote their views. This is done via mass mailings of newsletters, news releases, letters to the editor and guest opinion page columns. In many cases, they are produced or ghost written by campaign or office staffers paid for by taxpayers on public time. Ordinary citizens like myself have limited ability and time to make a simple submission. In the marketplace of ideas, let us hope there continues to be room for everyone, including our own Downtown Express.
Larry Penner

Seaport Xmas tree is the least of our worries

To the Editor:
A verbal report was given to Community Board 1’s Seaport Committee on December 20, when the Board of Southbridge Towers (S.B.T.) complained about the quality of the tree at the South Street Seaport. The S.B.T. Board may have forgotten that, until very recently, the South Street Seaport was under financial duress and barely escaped bankruptcy, thus limiting funding for any endeavor.

In addition, you may recall that, last year, a different tree was knocked down by a surprise wind storm.

If S.B.T. wanted to complain, they might have mentioned that the display at the Seaport do not contain any menorahs. But that may have hit uncomfortably close to home.

The menorah in S.B.T.’s plaza is dwarfed by the gigantic tree and surrounded by 10 Christmas wreaths.  In the lobbies, the foot-long menorahs are placed above eye level, while the six-foot trees dominate the area.

We’re glad that amid empty stores and a stalled privatization process they found an issue they could act upon — even if it was a weak one.
 Joseph Lerner

Occupy London is a joke

To the Editor:
Re “Occupy London Tent City is still holding its ground” (reporter’s notebook, Dec. 15):

My office overlooks said camp. I pass said camp daily getting to my office. The writer’s sole visit is merely a subjective observation on said camp. Here are mine:

Since the “strike,” activity in the camp has decreased dramatically. I have noted on several occasions prominent members of the camp arguing amongst themselves, often shouting and swearing — great public relations.

The large banner, which reads, “This is Democracy,” is displayed next to the port-a-loos. Tent numbers have decreased since the “strike.” People generally don’t care anymore.

My conclusions:

Politicians don’t listen to those protesting.

Politicians don’t listen to those striking.

People are apathetic (cite the poor turnout for the Feltham election).

The camp will alter nothing.

Merry Xmas.
Owen Marsden

Letters policy
    Downtown Express welcomes letters to The Editor. They must include the writer’s first and last name, a phone number for confirmation purposes only, and any affiliation that relates directly to the letter’s subject matter. Letters should be less than 300 words. Downtown Express reserves the right to edit letters for space, clarity, civility or libel reasons. Letters should be e-mailed to news@DowntownExpress.com or can be mailed to 511 Canal St., N.Y., N.Y. 10013.