
Yuggies are yearning for work


By Rita Wu

Spotted on an E. Ninth St lamppost recently was an ad with the word “Yuggies” on it. “Help us help you and give us something to do,” it implored.

The Yuggies, or Young Urban Graduates — not to be confused with yuppies — is a group that was started a couple of months ago by five New York University students and graduates. They were frustrated with the common problem young people face of needing to find a job but having trouble getting hired due to lack of experience; meanwhile, they can’t get experience if no one hires them. Also, the Yuggies needed to start making some money to begin paying off their school debts.

Yuggies offers services ranging from language lessons and grocery shopping to SAT prep and window cleaning. As a group, their skills include editing and research and the ability to speak six languages and write professional academic papers and reports. They also have taken advanced courses in the sciences, mathematics, politics and ethnic/cultural/gender studies, among others.

Business is going slow for the Yuggies, so far, however. They have only had two responses, one for Spanish lessons and the other a grocery pickup.

The Yuggies understand the current economic crisis, and offer their services to the community for extremely low prices. For those interested in helping the Yuggies by “giving them something to do,” contact them at Nyyuggies@yahoo.com.