
Port Authority holds design competition for aging bus terminal

The Port Authority will give $1 million to anyone who can turn its Midtown bus terminal from a dump into a decent travel hub.

The agency launched a two-stage design competition last week that asks architects, engineers, finance experts, transportation specialists and others from around the world to come up with a plan to revamp its 66-year-old terminal.

The applicants will be judged by the public, who can submit feedback online and their thoughts, along with the input from a jury, and PA executives, will determine the winner.

“This will be an open and transparent process that will incorporate input from the region’s stakeholders and, most importantly, it will include extensive involvement from the public,” PA vice chairman Scott Rechler said in a statement.

The agency has tried for years to come up with a redesign that would accommodate the extra bus traffic from the Lincoln Tunnel and update its decrepit conditions for travelers. Last year, they were presented with 15 design ideas but they were rejected.

Applicants can learn more about the competition at www.panynj.gov/bus-terminals/pabt-bus-terminal-design.html. The PA is expected to release a short list of finalists in April