Maloney Applauds Passage of Resolution on ERA Ratification

Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens) released a statement yesterday commending the passage of H.J.Res 79.
The resolution removes the arbitrary time limit for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. Maloney, the lead house sponsor of the ERA, released the following statement:
“Thanks to incredible ERA advocates in Virginia, less than one year after Republicans blocked the state’s ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment by one vote, a new pro-ERA majority has been elected to the state legislature. This all but guarantees that Virginia will become the needed 38th state to ratify the ERA soon after this new legislature is sworn in this coming January.
“States were asked to ratify and add to the constitution the following language: ‘Equality of Rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.’ Thirty-seven states ratified the ERA, only one more is needed for the ERA to be the 28th amendment to the Constitution.
“Now, one hundred years after women won the right to vote with the passage of the 19th Amendment, it is time for women’s full equality to be written into the Constitution. We can and we will make it happen.”
Nadler, Maloney Issue Joint Statement Condemning Attacks on Whistleblower

Yesterday, Representatives Jerry Nadler (D-Brooklyn, Manhattan) and Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens) released a joint statement condemning attacks on the Intelligence Community whistleblower.
Since the beginning of the impeachment inquiry, the Republicans in Congress have made several attempts to threaten, intimidate and silence the whistleblower. Some have called for the public reveal of the whistleblower’s identity.
“Whistleblowers have a right to remain anonymous to protect their jobs and their safety,” reads the statement. “It is shocking that anyone—especially those in Congress or the White House—would attack a whistleblower or seek to expose his or her identity. It would be an abuse of power for the President to use his office to do so.”
Espaillat Denounces Trump’s Appointment of Chad Wolf

Representative Adriano Espaillat (D-Washington Heights, Sugar Hill) released a statement yesterday denouncing President Donald Trump’s (R) appointment of Chad Wolf as Acting Secretary of Homeland Security.
Prior to his appointment, Wolf had served for 11 years as the Vice President of Wexler & Walker, a bipartisan lobbying firm. He had also served as the Chief of Staff to former Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen.
“President Trump’s decision to appoint another former lobbyist, Chad Wolf, as the Acting Secretary for Homeland Security is just the latest example of this administration’s intertwinement with special interests,” said Espaillat. “More importantly, as former Secretary Nielsen’s Chief of Staff, Mr. Wolf was directly responsible for the transformation of President Trump’s racist and xenophobic beliefs into the Department’s actions, including the separation of families at the border. Chad Wolf’s tenure under this administration has cultivated a resume of carnage and children in cages.”
Rosenthal Commends Appointment of Sarah Desmond to Office of Tenant Advocate

Council Member Helen Rosenthal (D-Central Park, Lincoln Square) released a statement yesterday applauding the appointment of Sarah Desmond as the New Director of the Office of the Tenant Advocate.
Prior to her appointment, Desmond had served as Executive Director of Housing Conservation Coordinators for nearly 20 years. She also had several years of experience working as a tenant organizer. In her statement, Rosenthal expressed nothing but absolute confidence that Desmond will fill her position splendidly.
“Placing Sarah Desmond at the helm of the Office of the Tenant Advocate (OTA) is a critically important step for the safety and well-being of tens of thousands of New Yorkers,” said Rosenthal. “Ms. Desmond will lead the OTA in combating construction as harassment, where a landlord uses unsafe and disruptive construction to force tenants from their homes, a particularly insidious and dangerous form of abuse.
“I commend NYC Department of Buildings Commissioner La Rocca for appointing a director who will champion the vision which led to the creation of this office.”