Johnson Voices Support for 14th Street Busway on WNYC

Council Speaker Corey Johnson (D-Chelsea, Hell’s Kitchen) voiced his support for the 14th Street Busway last Monday on the Brian Lehrer Show.
Johnson, while initially skeptical of the idea, is now an unabashed advocate after seeing the effects of the busway. He even suggested implementing similar busways on other major thoroughfares, such as 34th Street and 42nd Street.
“When was the last time you ever heard anyone rave about getting on a bus and moving crosstown quickly?” asked Johnson. “This is a raving success. It’s something to build on and be a model in other places.”
Listen to the full episode here.
Ayala, Gibson to Co-Host Town Hall on Public Charge Rule

Council Members Diana Ayala (D-East Harlem, Mott Haven) and Vanessa Gibson (D-Bronx) will be co-hosting a town hall meeting on the public charge rule next Monday.
The public charge rule was a proposal that would have made it more difficult for immigrants to obtain green cards if they were likely to rely on government assistance, such as food stamps or NYCHA housing. Although the proposal was blocked by the courts, Ayala and Gibson still want to inform the community on its potential impact.
The event will take place on Monday, Oct. 28 from 6-8 p.m. at the Summit Ridge Apartments Community Room, 950 Summit Ave.
Rivera to Host Tenant Resource Fair

Council Member Carlina Rivera (D-East Village, Gramercy Park) will be hosting a resource fair for her constituents tomorrow.
At the fair, tenants will get the chance to learn about the HPD’s housing lottery, the process of starting a tenant association, and housing discrimination protections, among other things. The event is co-sponsored by State Senator Brad Hoylman (D-Chelsea, Midtown), Council Member Keith Powers (D-Upper East Side, Carnegie Hill), and Assembly Members Deborah Glick (D-East Village, West Village) and Harvey Epstein (D-Lower East Side, East Village).
The event will take place tomorrow from 6-8 p.m. at the Sirovich Senior Center, 331 East 12th St.
Gottfried to Host Bronx Press Conference on Single Payer Healthcare Bill

Assembly Member Richard Gottfried (D-Chelsea, Midtown) will be holding a press conference on his New York Health Act today.
The New York Health Act, which Gottfried is sponsoring, would establish universal single-payer health coverage for all New Yorkers. If passed, New Yorkers would no longer have to pay premiums, co-pays or out-of-network charges.
This hearing is the third in a series of statewide hearings on the Assembly bill.
The event will take place today at 9:30 a.m. at the Bronx Library Center, 310 East Kingsbridge Road.