The nurturing and relaxed enriching program Come Play Preschool, at Evolution Enrichment Center, is specifically designed for 18- 23-month-old toddlers.
Each area in two dedicated classrooms will be structured for a particular purpose, supporting the range of activities to provide the richest pre-preschool experience for your little ones and promote development of their social, emotional, and motor skills.
Through cross-curriculum learning, Come Play Preschool will establish daily routines and procedures for a smooth transition to independence in the Preschool Two program. Teachers will work with parents to foster their toddler’s independence through modeling and interactive play. Parents can attend and participate with their toddler, and have the opportunity to learn and grow together while they are guided by caring and nurturing teachers.
What will an ordinary day in Come Play Preschool look like?
Each day in Come Play Preschool will begin with a “Hello!” welcome song and a Circle Time with a brief introduction to set the tone for our day. There will be a time to enjoy your favorite snack from home with your new friends and number of activities guided by the teacher, such as:
Music and creative movement: Through music and movement, your toddlers will begin to learn and further develop balance, coordination, body awareness, rhythm, and muscle strength. We will use a variety of interactive and follow-along songs as well as props including scarves, beanbags, shakers, etc. At times, this portion of the class will focus on developing skills individually with the help of a parent, and at other times, we will work together as a large group to complete a task.
“Parent and me” arts: During this interactive, multisensory experience, children engage in painting, building structures, and sensory activities all with the guidance of their parent. This portion of the day will help children to learn and follow a routine alongside their teacher and classmates, developing skills in cooperation, listening carefully, and letting their creativity shine.
Story time: Each day, time will be set aside to read a story and begin to invite toddlers to actively participate in reading. We believe that it is never too early to model and aid literacy development and are excited about making story time a staple in our daily routine.
Play time: Developmentally appropriate centers including sensory tables, blocks, books, play kitchen, and more will allow toddlers safe environments to learn and explore through imaginative play and creativity. These centers will be set up in a similar way to those found in our Twos and Threes classrooms, providing another means through which your toddler will find familiarity when transitioning into his or her next classroom.
Gym/yoga for tots: This portion of the day will focus on building skills such as foot and hand coordination, eye- and hand-coordination, and social skills, as well as promote the development of cognitive thinking skills such as counting, sorting, matching, and colors.
Each day will conclude with a “Goodbye” song and a short Circle Time to go over all the fun things the kids have done through the day.
Classes are offered two days a week for $500 a month, and three days for $750 a month.
Come Play Preschool at Evolution Enrichment Center [38 Delancey St. between Forsyth and Eldridge streets on the Lower East Side, (212) 375–9500, Evolu