Men and women donning cutoff short shorts and blue body paint congregated at Washington Square Park North on Saturday — celebrating the impending release of the newest season of “Arrested Development.”
Taking a cue from the show’s Tobias Fünke, whose phobia is being naked, the “Never Nudes” assembled at the park around noon on Saturday desspite the rain, wearing the shorts in honor of the quirky character played by David Cross. Many painted their limbs, faces and chests blue, too, although the weather encouraged them to keep some extra layers on.
Fünke has attempted multiple times to join The Blue Man Group throughout the series.
Attendees who dressed as Never Nudes on Saturday received stickers, hats and posters for the Bluth family political campaign.
In the upcoming season, which is returning to Netflix after five long years on May 29, Lindsay Bluth Fünke (Portia de Rossi) is running for office as the rest of the dysfunctional family, including Jeffrey Tambor’s George Bluth Sr., gear up to accept the self-appointed Family of the Year award.
Just last week, the Bluths’ stair car, which accompanied the Bluths’ company jet until the jet was sold off, was seen cruising around New York City, to hype up fans.
Onlookers were encouraged to check out the Bluths’ campaign website, votebluth.com, which looks as archaic and arrogant as you might expect, and take their photos atop the car.