
Two dead in Bronx after crashing motorcycle into tree

A Bike rider
Two people were killed in the Bronx early Sunday morning after a high-speed crash into a tree.
Photo via Getty Images

Two young men are dead after crashing a motorcycle into a tree while apparently speeding in the Bronx early Sunday morning.

Police say the two men, one aged 21 and the other appearing to be in his 20s, were riding a Yamaha motorcycle at Commerce Avenue and Newbold Avenue in Unionport at about 12:45 a.m. Sunday when they rammed into a tree, apparently while traveling at a high rate of speed.

Both men were pronounced dead on the scene. Neither of their names has been released.

The crash is eerily similar to one that happened at the exact same intersection in Sept. 2015. In that incident, a man was driving a Suzuki motorbike with a female passenger and was traveling well above the speed limit when he failed to make a sharp curve and crashed into a chain-link fence. The driver was left in critical condition, while his passenger was pronounced dead.

Traffic collisions killed 149 people on New York City streets this year through Aug. 8, according to the city’s Department of Transportation; that’s a four-year low for this time of the year.

Forty-four people have been killed on two-wheeled vehicles this year, the vast majority of them on motorized two-wheelers. That includes 15 on motorcycles, 12 on mopeds, and 11 on e-bikes.

Read more: NYC lifts e-bike ban in parks as part of pilot program.